COVID 19 Updates


As Covid 19 variants continue in our county, we ask that everyone practice safety when visiting the Ashe County Farmers Market.  










NEW PROTOCOLS EFFECTIVE May 15 and May 22, 2021

1.  Effective May 15, the ACFM Board agreed for masks to be optional for both vendors and customers.  ***We do encourage everyone to continue to be safe and to respect each other’s choices.

2.  Samples are now allowed at vendor tables.

3.  Bathrooms will now be open for all customers effective May 22nd.

4.  Coffee and Tea will once again be available effective May 29th.




New Protocols Effective May 1, 2021.

1. As we move toward fewer restrictions, please wear a mask while interacting with our vendors and other customers.  At times the market is full of people and you can’t properly social distance.

2. Please follow One Way signs through market.

3. Please try to maintain social distance when possible

4. Restrooms are closed at this time



New Protocols Effective 6/26/20. Please see our new protocols below. These replace all other protocols from past due to the governor mandating that face covers now be worn in public.

Check out our latest Market Protocols